25 February 2007

You did what now!?!

I have started to write a few entries over the past week and everytime I start to read it over I realize there crap and of no importance to anyone or anything so I scrap them, so like the little train that could I will try again because I figure that if I don’t keep writing people will stop reading

One thing that I'm very grateful for is the considerable array of people, friends and acquaintances that I interact with. The other night (last week when I started to write this) I went out to hear some live bands play at a local club, we knew one of the acts so it was a good opportunity to go, it was blues but really good blues. But sitting there not really with my 'usual' gaggle of friends and I looked around I realized I was the youngest one there, which made me realize that I have a very diverse and interesting group of friends. Diverse in the fact that they range in age from 20 to 70ish (at that point it’s just not polite to ask), there is every colour and nationality under the sun. How cool is that. This leads to the interesting part of these people (you know who you are), I mean the life experiences that all these people have and some in very trying times just amazes me. When I get into a conversation with someone about the weirdest off hand things somehow someone always has an incident/ antidote which applies.

A group of us had some how managed a conversation about gun running, I have absolutely no clue how we would’ve have gotten on this topic but I digress... so one guy I know fairly well pipes up and says that when he was working with the SA military a few years back and they were patrolling the border (with Namibia) and started to describe the different ways he’s seen people bring in weapons and guns. I just sat there almost dumb founded thinking well first this guy in the military and second of all what are the chance that someone in a group of 6 random people would actually have some real life experiences to inject into a conversation about gun running, seriously.

So if I get nothing else from my time here I have to say I have meet and talked to some of the most interesting people I think I’ll ever meet.

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