13 February 2007

Abitrary thoughts...

Here is a collection of thoughts and products I love, just don't understand, or things that aggravate me. I'm sure in the future when my imagination has run dry that I will expand on some of these things.

1. Zam Buk: the most wonderful cream like substance its like a wonder-drug. I just discovered it a few months ago it cures everything skin related. Cuts, burns, scratches, blisters anything and seriously within 2 days cleared up. Its not sold in Canada I already checked, so I'm planning to return with a life time supply. Interestingly enough they sell Zam Buk in Australia and England as well but not the same formula, I guess that one is not as good or so according to the message boards.

2. Leaded gas: This country still sells leaded gas!!!WTF!! They have to because there are so many cars that require it - they last that long, its amazing what the lack of winter and therefore the lack of salt does for a cars longevity. But leaded gas!?!

3. DDT: Yup still using good ol' DDT here. Again there is a good reason, the more DDT used the less cases of Malaria (by a whole lot- will actually find the statistics, they were in the paper a while back), but there has to be another way! Mind you with the amount I'm getting bitten less bugs and less Malaria the better, but DDT seriously!

4. Cheddar Cheese Simbas: Who would have guessed that these crisps would be so good and so addicitive. I just discovered them. Last week I went to the Boer wors stand to get a late night snack and they were the only crisps they had that didn't have meat or meat flavouring. So I grudgingly took them and TA DA, I have a new love.

5. Warm milk: Steamed milk in coffee is nothing new I realize, but most coffee places ask if you want cold or warm for your coffee. I have really taken to this, for some reason the coffee is richer and sweeter too, so much so that I actually use less sugar. Yummy!

6. Sour Milk: Nothing disgusts me more than sour milk, I think most people would agree with me on that front. But for some reason a lot of blacks here actually purposefully drink sour milk, ewww. I complain (yeah I do complain a ever now and again) about the expiration dates on the milk in the stores because it is always so close to the date. Than someone explained to me that they do that on purpose so people won't have to wait long for their milk to sour. The other day I had actual bought milk, only use it coffee so I don't buy it much, and of course it went off before I had a chance to use it all. I thought about and felt really guilty about giving it away to one of the berkies because it just seemed wrong to give sour milk to someone but I did it anyway knowing that may people like sour milk. I gave it to one of the berkies I know and told him it was sour and he actually said he preferred sour milk! He was really happy and even shared it with his friends.

7. To be continued....

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