15 January 2007

BigBig Bug

Yesterday I had to deal with my first big african bug. I'm not all that squeamish when it comes to bugs but this thing is not actually from this planet. I have always been able to catch bugs and release them without a second thought, I was actually the bug catcher at the lab when I worked in B-water. But this thing, this thing was a bit eww.

It was about 4-5cm long and a couple wide, eight legs, two twitchy antennas, and black with silver spots. Very very creepy. The worse part, which I think actually creeped me out more than anything, I stood on the thing. I was standing at my door to my balconey looking for a comet (McNaught's- it suppose to be brighter than Hailey's Comet- didn't see it suppose to be around for the rest of the week though so fingers crossed) and a felt this wiggle under my foot and I lifted my foot and blahhhhh. After a short freak out I contemplated what was to be done with the creepy thing that was in my bedroom. So as embarrassing as it was I went to my roommates son and asked for help, what 16 year old boy wouldn't help out with the removal of a bug from a girls room (I hated doing this- there really is no reason I couldn't). Well it turns out he was actually more freaked out than I was. So after succumbing to the classic girl in distress moment I still had this creepy thing in my room I needed to deal with.

Be proud I did deal with it, and I didn't even kill it, I just dumped it in my neighbours balcony. I used a dust pan and a newspaper and removed the creepy thing but before I did dump it at the neighbours (I didn't want to drop it off the balcony- the creepy thing probably would have died) I made sure there door was closed, so its not as bad as it sounds. Creepy thing-0 (okay give it at least a 0.5 it did creep the hell out of me and made me ask for help), Me-1.

The beetles that everyone gets in their homes (haven't seen one inside yet-thankfully) are huge and ugly and bright red as well. They fly and are creepy but nothing compared to creepy thing number 1. So I know my big african bug coping skills will need to be improved, everyone gets these beetles- my roommate has seen 2 since summer started so were not immune, and I know I can deal with them but I just don't really want to. But I think I'm much better prepared now that creepy thing no.1 has been dealt with so I'm just hoping this newly found bug coping mechanism will endure.

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