20 July 2007

When you just need a pitch fork

This cartoon that I just had to post... this is a excerpt from my old blog to understand why...

Got lock in my house last night, we have been having issues with our front gate for awhile and it has been fix for about week now but last night we got locked in, how weird is it that all this security is great but you can literally get locked in your house. Christine and I ended up taking a pitch fork to the thing and were able to open it wide enough for us to squeeze out. What a site we must have made 2 girls with a pitch fork and a torch pushing and pulling on this big old gate and laughing.

1 comment:

Ellie Fish said...

That's hilarious. Did I tell you that I got locked in my field truck last summer? I was sleeping in it, so I locked the doors. In the morning they wouldn't open and I had to call my assitant on the cell phone (she had the keys) and she had to come let me out of the truck.