14 March 2007

The Problem with being good...

Over the past few years I have stopped killing bugs, it just didn't seem right. I have mind you been made fun of extensivly for this, especially for my catch are release tactics that I used on fruit flies when I lived in Bridgewater. I have been continuing to do this even with the ginormous things that they call bugs here, do be proud.

Now here's the problem with my moral stance on murdering bugs, what happens when you become infested... I have not become over run, actually I've seen very few buggies lately although I still have several bites to prove that there still around. I just read an article (http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=29&art_id=nw20070312091528444C682189) about these monks whose temple has become infested, and they are against killing and have tried several methods of removing the ants, and still have no solution. I hope beyond hope actually that I will never find myself in this position because I think I would find something to get rid of the bugs but then I have to live with the guilt of killing thousands of poor innocent creatures even if they do tend to be ugly and even a little creepy.

1 comment:

Ellie Fish said...

What about Bad Bugs, like mosquitoes and ticks that spread diseases?