07 June 2007

Hey ho they must go

I know unions have there place but really strikers seem to do nothing but piss me off. Especailly this past week since the public servant strike started, the main components of the strike are the nurses and teachers, there are plenty of others but they aren't having such an impact on me or rather getting in the papers. I have nothing but the highest regard for teachers and nurses and I believe they should be paid very well but the way there going about...

The nurses are the ones pissing me off the most. They are considered essential workers for some unknown reason and so many hospitals across the country are working with skeleton staff and patients are taking care of one another. There were reports from one hospital where the able body patients were helping others to the bathrooms, or turning people in beds over so as not to get bed sores. I'm sorry but if you took on a job knowing full well it was considered essential, yes you have the right to strike and should be able to negoitate a decent contract but you can not not work! They have been barring people from entering the hospitals, at some unless it was an emergency the staff weren't letting you in, they even prevented docotors from entering. It got so bad at a one hospital the police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. I'm sure if one of the protesters were hurt the would demand to get immmediate help from the hospital they just prevented the docotrs from entering.

The teachers aren't much better, first you don't work you don't get paid but you are allowed to strike. Stupid! I think this way you put people in a really awkard position you need to feed your family but if you go to work there is a good chance that one of your co-workers will threaten you for doing so. Read in the paper today one school had to shut down becasue the prinicpal got threating phone calls saying 'they were coming and weren't responsible for what will happen' because the principal should not be there. Some teachers went into another school and started ripping up exams that kids were writing and when one girl refused she was assulted!

I say fire the whole bunch of them, if your going to use violence and intimation to get your way is this really the people you want teaching your children or taking care of the wellfare of your family in the hospital! Just to bad there is such a skills shortage because if you fire them there is absolutely no one else to take over. Why is it that as soon as people go on strike they forget that they are decent human beings, or is it that these are the people who are psychos and just use the strike as their opportunity to get away with shit. Either way I can't wait to the strike is over and I only hope it doesn't get any worse before its over, last years security guard strike was crazy enough for me.

1 comment:

Ellie Fish said...

This brings up a lot of thoughts. I agree that striking just shouldn't be allowed for come professions.
On the otherhand, I remember when my mom was on strike. In Ontario, if workers are on strike for 6 months the employer can fire them. What the hell!? The unions essentially have no power because the employer can just wait 6 months and fire them. It's absurd. My mom was forced back to work, and the union took the worst deal they'd been offered becaue they were days from being fired.

Also, I asked my brother in the air force once if he would ever go on strike and he gave me this "stupid little sister" look and said when the military goes on strike it's mutiny.